Original works only
Born in Florence, Italy, Paola Cassais began her career as an interior designer and window-dresser. This influenced and developed her keen eye for the expressive qualities of colour, texture and shape. Encouraged by her parents whom are also artists, Paola painted in her spare time at every opportunity. Art Lounge international has built a huge following in the Leamington and Warwickshire area, we just love the work!
In recent years her work has taken a turn towards the investigation of the static movement in painting, the crowd has become the reference to talk about the problem of painting and visual rhythm. Her paintings can be found in several countries as Germany, UK and USA. Paola’s approach is simple yet elegant. Beautiful serene coastal landscapes and glistening waves provide a stunning backdrop for crowds of figures. The bright, joyful and naïve nature of these characters belie a spectacular attention to detail found in the variety of activities displayed. The impasto shapes of pure colour, which form a three-dimensional shape on the canvas, transport the viewer into the scene. Simultaneously, this conveys an irresistible sense of energy and movement.
More recently Paola Cassais has placed her focus on creating abstract pieces using characters as part of a wider image or message. In these paintings, the beach landscape is replaced in favour of a plain canvas. This allows the vibrant colours of the painted figures to contrast vividly. Art Lounge international are delighted to be one of the primary representatives of Paola’s artworks internationally.